Values – Based Recruitment – CareTalk Magazine – Nov 2016

values based recruitment

Back in November 2016, Cohesion Recruitment were featured in Care Talk’s Magazine, giving our take on “Taking Values – Based Recruitment to the Next Level.” In this article, we talk all about our PHD project and how Values – Based Recruitment is becoming ever- more necessary in the pursuit of high – quality workers.

Read the article here

By implementing a values – based approach in your recruitment process, this could be extremely beneficial for you as an employer. In a sector that is difficult to recruit for, we have noticed that by stating ‘previous experience necessary’ in our advertisements could be restrictive. However, by introducing this approach, this opens the potential candidate pool far wider. Something to remember is that you don’t necessarily need the qualifications and what is really important is the values and behaviour towards people who need care and support.

Despite values- based recruitment not being a new concept, it is becoming more popular with several organisations in the sector. Many organisations are finding by focusing on applicants’ values and strengths, the quality of candidates is improving and is helping to deliver better quality recruits.

Already, many organisations have successfully implemented and evaluated values based recruitment practices. There are many benefits to be gained from investing time and resources into doing it well, such as: boosting staff morale, staff feel more valued, increased job satisfaction and an overall positive impact on staff turnover.

SkillsForCare state that recruiting the right staff results in lower turnover, but you have to get the recruitment part right first! This approach involves establishing strong workplace values and ensuring that your workforce matches them.

By implementing values-based recruitment into your recruitment process could be extremely beneficial for you and with the care industry using this approach more frequently, we are really looking forward to seeing the results.

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