Who are we? Diversity event follow up

Who are we? Exploring the diversity within the social care workforce

Thank you to everyone who attended our event; we hope you found our data and insights useful. If you missed it, you can watch it below.

You can download a copy of the event slides Who Are We? Cohesion April 2024 Event (133 downloads ) .

Useful links

We have collated a list of links that you may find useful.

Skills for Care State of the Workforce Report

A comprehensive analysis of England’s adult social care workforce: https://bit.ly/3HH5evP

Ben McIntosh – TikTok

Ben McIntosh (@benjmcintosh) | TikTok

DEMOS & Anchor – The Platinum Pound

Boosting Employment Among Older Workers : https://www.anchor.org.uk/media/campaigns/platinum-pound 

Feedback from Applicants to Care

You can find out more about what applicants to care are saying from our blog: https://cohesionrecruitment.com/news/feedback-from-applicants-to-care/

The Care Character Website

You can find out more about Care Character and how it can help you with candidate engagement: https://carecharacter.com/

Cohesion Social Care Forum Group

Become part of our community, gaining insight from each other and hearing all about our upcoming events before anyone else, you can join us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8793908/

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