What are the Benefits of a Neutral Vendor Managed Service?

Neutral Vendor Managed Service – why it’s so good

In a previous blog, we talked about what a Neutral Vendor Managed Service model is. Now you know what it is – you need to know why it’s so good.

The way a Neutral Vendor is delivered can vary between providers. However, the variance comes in the process – not in the benefits. It’s a well-known fact that using a Neutral Vendor Managed Service provider, instead of agencies, will reduce your costs.

Download our eBook to find out how to manage your temporary workforce to ensure maximum productivity!

So, I’m going to discuss some of the other, lesser-known benefits:

Always receive the best candidates

In the previous blog, we discussed the differences between each Managed Service model. One of the key benefits of a Neutral Vendor Managed Service model is that it creates a healthy competition between all agencies involved.

As a result, all agencies will put their best candidates forward because they know that they aren’t guaranteed to have theirs chosen.

Reduce your risk

Every supplier working under a Neutral Vendor Managed Service model should be signed to consistent service levels, and submit to regular audits to ensure they’re meeting the necessary compliance standards.

You should never be at risk of receiving temporary staff from a supplier who doesn’t meet the compliance standards.

Solutions made-to-order

There is no one-size-fits-all approach for temporary staffing. Different companies will have different goals, different workflows, and different volumes of temporary staff that they require.

Your Neutral Vendor Managed Service provider should analyse all of the above, and design your solution to fit exactly what you need. Not only this, but your solution should be completely transparent to you – you should know exactly what’s going on, every step of the way.

Consistent procurement

You should never be in a situation where you need temporary staff, and don’t receive them. Because a Neutral Vendor Managed Service goes out to market to a number of different agencies, there should always be ample opportunity to source suitable candidates.

This takes the pressure off of your permanent staff, because they won’t have to work excessive hours. This also contributes to morale and work ethic.

There are a number of benefits associated with a Neutral Vendor Managed Service model, on top of the massive cost-savings. These should all be taken into consideration when you’re deciding how it would be best to deal with your temporary staffing needs.

Take a look at the solutions we’ve provided for some of our clients:


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