The pandemic and social care recruitment

The pandemic and social care recruitment

Social care recruitment brain storm diagram

Cohesion’s webinar as part of the Care England conference: Has the pandemic launched recruitment into Tomorrow’s World


Thank you to everyone who attended our webinar on the impact of the pandemic on social care recruitment. We hope you found it useful. If you would like to view a recording of the webinar you can do so below. We are still collecting survey results for our futureproofing care survey and would really appreciate your input-  the link to the survey is below. The affect of the Covid -19 pandemic on social care recruitment is still ongoing and will be for some time. We would like to gather as much insight into this as possible to share with all of our partners and the industry as a whole.



Here are the various links mentioned during the webinar:


Futureproofing care survey

If you are involved in recruiting for care we would love to hear your thoughts. Please complete the survey below.

Futureproofing Care Survey


LinkedIn Group

We encourage all of you to continue to share and learn by joining our Social Care Recruitment group on LinkedIn

Cohesion Social Care LinkedIn Group


Psychometric Assessment

Care Character

If you would like a detailed conversation about Care Character, then please email


Recruitment requirements

If you would like to discuss any aspects of the recruitment solutions offered by Cohesion, then please contact Amanda Marques 07753 871926 or Danny Welsh 07864 653282


Care and Support Jobs

View our career in care website

We would like to showcase your care organisation and jobs. We will prioritise those happy to help us promote the new site to applicants.



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