Part Two: Preventing Burnout & Early Exit from New Employees

In our previous blog, we considered the steps for positive onboarding experiences to aid early retention efforts and prevent burnout or early exit. This time we consider the benefits of wellbeing check-ins and supporting employees to manage stress.

Wellbeing Check-ins

Encouraging wellbeing check-ins can be massively supportive in preventing burnout in new employees. Regular conversations about workload, work-life balance, and mental health show that the organisation cares.

Regular interactions act as a bridge for open communication between employees and their manager. By establishing a routine of well-being check-ins, organisations can take proactive steps to address potential stressors before they snowball into burnout.

Navigating the transition into a new role and environment can be particularly daunting for new employees – especially if they are new to care. Regular check-ins serve not only to spot any immediate concerns but also to gauge the individual’s long-term well-being.

These discussions should delve into various areas, such as workload management, work-life balance, and overall mental health.

Are the agreed shifts and working patterns still suitable? Is there any additional support that can be provided?

It’s paramount to approach well-being check-ins with empathy and active listening. Managers can create a safe space where employees feel free to share their thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or reprisal.

Managing Stress

Effectively managing stresses as they arise is crucial in preventing burnout, especially among new employees. Early intervention can make a significant difference in maintaining mental well-being and ensuring a productive work environment.

Here are several strategies that care organisations can implement to help new employees manage stress:

Promote a Supportive Work Culture

Allow open communication where employees feel comfortable discussing their concerns and challenges without fear of stigma or retribution. Regular check-ins with managers or designated mentors can allow new employees to voice any issues early on. Remember – we found that over a third of care workers hadn’t had a review meeting with their manager by week 8 of employment. Ensuring catch ups happen early can significantly reduce the chances of early exit.

Encourage Work-Life Balance

Encourage employees to take regular breaks to avoid mental fatigue and ensure they are not working excessive hours. Flexible working arrangements such as offering flexible hours can help employees manage their personal and professional responsibilities more effectively. Often a change in family needs means working hours and shifts are no longer suitable where they were previously – a major factor when it comes to reasons for leaving by frontline care and support teams. Although care is 24/7 – it is still possible to ensure flexibility in shift planning.

Provide Adequate Training and Resources

Alleviate the stress associated with unfamiliar tasks and responsibilities by offering comprehensive onboarding programs that include training sessions and access to resources – beyond mandatory training.

Ongoing professional development opportunities can keep employees engaged and competent.

72% of care workforce leavers told us that they wanted better learning and development opportunities early on in a new role.

This doesn’t necessarily mean acquiring skills for management duties; it might involve specialising in areas such as dementia or autism.

Encourage Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

To help employees develop coping mechanisms for stress, consider mindfulness, deep-breathing exercises, or yoga sessions. Offering workshops or providing access to mindfulness apps can also be beneficial.

By implementing stress management and wellbeing strategies, care organisations can create a healthier work environment where new employees are less likely to experience burnout and can thrive in their roles. Utilising professional stress management trainers* for management and employees can also help to raise awareness and provide strategies to manage stress.

Want to know more about positive onboarding and better retention? Contact our retention experts today –

* Clicking the stress management trainers link will take you to an external website. Services are provided by a third party and are not endorsed by Cohesion.

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