School outreach event follow up

Social Care Apprentice plan

Effective school outreach: How to positively impact workforce challenges

Thank you to everyone who attended our event. We hope you found it useful. If you would like to view a recording of the webinar you can do so below.


You can download a copy of the event slides here: Effective school outreach (1538 downloads )

If you would like to hear more about Cohesion’s initiative specifically targeting younger people with the offering of weekend work, please contact

Q&A section

We have included a summary of the questions asked at our school outreach event.

Do Cohesion feel that school outreach needs to be a long term investment to see results?

School outreach can be part of a wider campaign to raise a setting’s profile in their local area and a way to give back to the community by forming long term relationships with schools and colleges. However, Cohesion can evidence that a 4-6 month targeted approach can drive increased applications and also diversity of applications. A previous 4 month campaign for a client resulted in 42% of applicants coming from schools Cohesion had engaged with which shows the short term positive impact school outreach can have.

Is school outreach purely effective for attracting school leavers looking for longer term career opportunities or can it also be suitable for frontline vacancies?

School outreach is definitely a great way to highlight career opportunities in care. It is also suitable for attracting young people who are looking for roles to go alongside their studies. Cohesion Director Amanda Marques is currently looking into initiatives to increase weekend working options for young people wanting to work in care. Students are often required or wish to undertake work experience from Year 10 onwards. Exploring hosting young people for these shorter placements at your setting is another way to encourage them to consider care work and help them understand what it really entails.

Useful links

We have collated a list of links that you may find useful:

Social care recruitment – the generation game

Why social care is losing the generation game and what can be done about it

The King’s Fund

Think Tank finds young people are returning to insecure jobs post pandemic

Experts say firms need to support their younger workers

People Management

Care Home Open Week

Open your doors to the wider community.

Championing Social Care

LinkedIn Group

We encourage all of you to continue to share and learn by joining our Social Care Recruitment group on LinkedIn

Cohesion Social Care LinkedIn Group

Recruitment requirements

If you would like to discuss any aspects of the recruitment solutions offered by Cohesion, then please contact Amanda Marques 07753 871926

Care and Support Jobs

View our career in care website

We would like to showcase your care organisation and jobs. We will prioritise those happy to help us promote the new site to applicants.



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