Tomorrows Care – “Not A Man’s World”

male nurse caring for elderly man

Tomorrows Care – Not A Mans World

We’ve recently been featured in Tomorrows Care, where we discuss the distinct lack of male nurses, childcare experts, and adult social carers in the Care industry today. Take a look In this article that has been featured in Tomorrows Care, by outlining our findings from reviewing our own data, as a company we are able to offer our recommendations for the future to help attract more men into the Social Care sector. Our own data shows that from covering 27,000 job applications within this sector, that men have a higher drop – out rate during the application and interview stages of the whole process. As well as showing that approximately 25% of people are under the age of 25 and that only 40% of them are men. By examining the gender split of job applications for roles within the industry, we are able to identify that there is in fact a consistent lack of men working in the social care sector.

Making a difference

There is a need to adopt new strategies to help attract male applicants, but also to support men throughout the interview process. One area that could help attract male applicants is advertising. Website/ career site and advert reviews could be a step in the right direction with improving your recruitment advertising. Have a think… Do you think that photos, colours, language and profile can encourage or discourage certain types of applicants? Little things like this could steer male applicants away from looking and even applying for a job role on your website, so it’s worth having a look at how you could potentially change this to appeal to both male and female. Video interventions, Interview feedback and exit and retention data are a few other ways that we think might make a difference when it comes to improving the recruitment process and attracting more men into the social care sector.

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