Can Early Talent Plug Front Line Care Gaps

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Can Early Talent Plug Front Line Care Gaps? We believe they can.

Cohesion run a series of Forums for the Care and Health Care sectors taking place regularly throughout the year. These Forums share expertise and data from our experience, great recruiting strategies as well as showcasing case studies from other health, social care and housing organisations.

In February, we hosted ‘Can Early Talent Plug Front Line Care Gaps: Revisited’ which focused on what young people want from a career in care and the challenges that come with attracting young talent.

At this forum, together with several care providers, Cohesion presented successful early talent case studies, and welcomed feedback from young people studying health and social care subjects.

We heard insights from Stow Healthcare , Hertfordshire County Council and Care Through the Millennium about their success stories of engaging with young people for employment.

Attendees benefitted from hearing from our student panel of health and social care students and tutors from Barking and Dagenham College hosted by Professor Martin Green, CEO of Care England.

Can Early Plug Front Line Gare Gaps: Revisited’ served as an important topic, given the current low representation of young people working in care and high numbers of unemployed young people. While the forum pre-dated the current Coronavirus crisis, the solutions that we discussed are now more relevant than ever.

We hosted this forum to inform and engage employers and to open up a discussion of how to engage with and deploy early talent entering the social care workforce.

On the day we heard how Stow Healthcare successfully reduced agency spend by 55% in the last 12 months despite facing several recruitment challenges and how Hertfordshire County Council have been harnessing Early Talent with success by hiring 440 Apprentices and Trainees since 2005.

The Forum proved to be a great success with over 20 different organisations in attendance.

Feedback from our delegates included “The case studies and presentations were really useful and having the student panel share their ideas and experiences was also insightful” and “The Forums are well timed and provide valuable information, useful case studies and provide a great opportunity for care providers to share ideas and experiences.

Less than 10% of the adult social care workforce are under 25 – how do you compare? If you’re typical in comparison, it’s time to try something different.

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To read more about the topics and discussions you can access our white paper here.

For more information on our future Forums, details can be found here:

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