Essential Recruiting during Covid 19

Elderly residents at care home

Social Care Recruitment during Covid19

Welcome to the first of our planned series of posts where we will share how Cohesion are adapting social care recruitment processes to deal with the unprecedented challenges posed by Covid 19.

Over the course of the next few weeks we will update you based on the work that we are doing with a dozen or so major social care and healthcare organisations in the UK.

Recruitment Event

We will also share the latest industry updates with you after our event – ‘Recruitment During Covid19. Making it happen for Care’ – on 23rd April. To date we have 70 social care HR attendees booked on our virtual Social Care Recruitment Forum – all ready and willing to hear each other’s ideas and learn from successes at this time.

Social Care Recruitment blog series

Cohesion are currently recruiting for 100’s of vacancies across a number of organisations based throughout the UK. We want to share how we are dealing with:

  • Different recruitment process options that deal with the challenges of Covid 19 recruitment, particularly as they relate to speed of process, recruitment (particularly interviewing) at a distance, and attracting applicants from other sectors.


  • Maintaining contact and engagement with those applicants in the recruitment pipeline, particularly where, assuming successful attraction strategies, those applicant numbers are much higher than normal.


  • Encouraging staff in to care – including targeting other industries effected by Covid 19 and with a surplus of staff, as well as looking at volunteers, while maintaining the quality of recruits.


  • Reduced compliance and how this can both massively help recruitment efficiency at this urgent time, but also the potential downsides and risks.



If you have any other topics that you would like to see covered, then let us know. And we would love contributions from other care organisations that we can use as best-practise case-studies. So again, get in touch.

And finally we have recently re-launched our applicant facing and will be posting helpful information to applicants looking for a career or role in care at this time. Again, contributions gratefully accepted!

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