Part Two: Why Engage an External Recruitment Partner Alongside Your Internal Team?

In our last blog instalment, we introduced the first benefits of engaging with an external recruitment partner alongside an internal team – #1 time to focus, #2 market insight, and #3 new opportunities such as greater diversity.

Let’s take a look at our next benefits as reported by social care providers…

#4. Scalability & Flexibility.

Having fixed resource in place internally can make responding to changing recruitment demands a challenge. An external partner will be able to meet those demands – flexibly and quickly. The model allows for maximum agility; more resource available when you need it, reducing when there is less need. Out of hours resource can be brought on board for services and projects that lend themselves to this way of working – meaning stakeholders have access to a dedicated point of contact when they expect it.

#5. Cost Savings.

With an external provider on board, you’ll benefit from their scale when it comes to costs. Savings with functions such as advertising and technology can be passed through. But you’ll also benefit from their knowledge and expertise of how to use those functions effectively. Many care providers report high advertising spend which can be avoided with tactical and planned use – which your external partner will execute for you.

#6. Technology & Reporting.

A tried and tested recruitment process managed consistently and timely will ensure you get the best results from your efforts – but process improvements shouldn’t be overlooked. An external partner will explore new tools and ways of working that benefit both candidates and the recruiting organisation. Whether that’s AI chatbots to support engagement, A/B testing with different adverts, or using care-based assessments to name a few – your partner will appropriately improve the process to achieve the best outcomes. They’ll also be incessantly measuring data and reporting back results with improvement recommendations.

A Specialist Team

As we’ve explored during this blog series, there are multiple benefits of working with an external partner to enhance your recruitment and retention results – especially when you engage with specialist teams who understand social care.

At Cohesion, our clients see results and reduce costs faster – and this can be achieved from as little as month-by-month commitment. But many organisations work with us for years.

Whatever you’re looking for in an external recruitment and retention partner, the right choice will be one that improves results and is willing to be flexible – working with you with the same end goal in mind.

For more information about our services, contact us today –

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